Current Research
Processing Fluency and Speaker Perceptions
Listeners must use their (limited) attentional resources to make sense of what they hear. Because of this social information about the speaker can influence how difficult we expect listening to someone will be. For example, most native speakers expect to use more attentional resources to listen to a non-native accented speaker than a native accented speaker. In this study, we investigate how these perceptions influence how listeners process speech. Data collection is currently underway. Please see Student Research below if interested in helping with this project!
Influence of Race-Related Voice and Visual Cues on Language Processing
This project investigates how perceived voice (African American speaker, European American speaker) and visual cues (African American face, European American face) influence the processing of sentences which differ in their plausibility. Data collection for an eye-tracking task is currently underway. Please see Student Research below if interested in helping with this project!