Please help us with our research by participating in our studies!
After checking the criteria below, please fill out the appropriate form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
After checking the criteria below, please fill out the appropriate form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Click here if your child meets the following criteria:
Typically developing between 6-8 years old (kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade)
Willing to participate in an eye-tracking study which requires sitting relatively still for 5-10 minutes
Able to travel to the University of Puget Sound campus
Identifies as a speaker of African American English and/or Standard American English
Typically developing between 6-8 years old (kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade)
Willing to participate in an eye-tracking study which requires sitting relatively still for 5-10 minutes
Able to travel to the University of Puget Sound campus
Identifies as a speaker of African American English and/or Standard American English
Click here if you meet the following criteria:
Over 18 years of age
Willing to read sentences while being audio-recorded
Able to travel to the University of Puget Sound campus
Identify as a speaker of African American English and/or Standard American English
Over 18 years of age
Willing to read sentences while being audio-recorded
Able to travel to the University of Puget Sound campus
Identify as a speaker of African American English and/or Standard American English